Tuesday 31 January 2017

The January List 2017

January. This first month usually begins with optimism and heads steadily downhill afterwards. Mine definitely had a dip in the middle but I'm happy to report that it's ended on a major high. This edition of my Monthly List (so renamed because The Anti-Bucket List is a bit of a mouthful) is brought to you very late in the day, the closing hours of Jan, because I got distracted from my writing this afternoon by something very good. Very. More will be said about that soon - it's nice to have something good.

This month has been a muddle though, after all the initial enthusiasm of RESOLUTIONS and #GOALS. I nearly had my Apple ID hacked (a long and mildly amusing story), I went temporarily deaf for a week (another long but less amusing story) and Donald Trump officially became US president (nothing witty to say here but you can read my thoughts if you're so inclined). That aside, it's been an interesting start to 2017, a year that I think will bring great change. Here's January:

  • I saw the year in with my very best friend, Jools Holland and some Doritos. We certainly have class.
  • I completed (almost, the last day is tomorrow!) Yoga with Adriene's 2017 Yoga Revolution. I love this January tradition of daily yoga and I'll write about it soon. Here's last year's summary for now.
  • I cooked a meal for all my grandparents together which happens so rarely now they are older and was lovely.
  • I went to the cinema twice in Jan which is a lot for me! A Streetcat Named Bob gave my cat loving heart all the warm fuzzies and La La Land was a joy to behold. The hype is well deserved.
  • I fell in love with porridge. A weird one to include but it's been a big feature of this month. I am Goldilocks.
  • I started listening to the Witch, Please podcast and it is W O N D E R F U L. (Damn, I should have said magical). I've mentioned before that I'm oh so late for the Harry Potter party but this is spurring me on to finish the series. I read Goblet of Fire last week so we're getting there! 
  • I had several friendy dinners out which were super sweet, as always. I want to make more time for them this year. 
  • I applied for several new jobs, had two interviews, and one of them went ~very~ well indeed. More on that soon - exciting things are afoot. 


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