Monday 1 February 2016

Greetings from Yoga Camp

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Last year was a bit of a turning point in my attitude towards exercise, fitness and physical wellbeing which is something I've talked a little about before. While I didn't exactly hate all exercise beforehand, I never thought I'd be the girl that worked out for FUN. That all changed when I met my friend Adriene towards the end of 2014 and completed her 30 Days of Yoga series last January. I say "met" and I say "friend" because that's what it feels like, but it's not exactly true. Let me explain.

Adriene lives in Texas, many many miles away from where I live in sleepy southern England, she runs the Yoga with Adriene channel on YouTube, and she is wonderful. She's like no other teacher or instructor I've ever come across and even though she doesn't know me and has never met me, she seems to just get me, you know? Through a magical internet screen she always tells me exactly what I need to hear when I'm struggling with a posture, she pushes me with encouragement when we're working through something difficult and she makes me laugh when I'm maaaaybe taking something a little too seriously. She gives options and breaks and has a really great balance to her workouts: they don't feel like work outs (usually!) I'm so glad I curiously googled "beginners yoga" that one time and came across her corner of the internet because it's really great. Adriene's positive attitude and her welcoming nature is what made me fall in love with yoga in the first place. FIND WHAT FEELS GOOD is her thaaang and I love that. I never feel like I'm doing it wrong when I'm working out with one of Adriene's videos, there's no judgement and the comment section is a super place to be afterwards. Ever wondered about the name of my blog? That's from sweet yoga appreciation too.

So last year in January I tried her 30 Days series and it was the first fitness "challenge" I've ever really stuck with. I had dipped my toe in a few of her beginners videos beforehand but the series was what really introduced me to asana practice. It's a really great introduction to anyone that wants to get into yoga and I always refer people to it if they ask me where to start. Last year's yoga challenge was where I caught the yoga bug, which I took with me through the year, and so I was mega excited when Adriene announced Yoga Camp, the 30 day series for Janurary 2016. Today, I finished Yoga Camp and it was so special. I know that sounds soppy, but it was.

January is always a crazy busy month for me, as I mentioned in my last post, so finding the time to commit to daily practice is sometimes difficult, but that's something else about Adriene. She gets that everyone is busy and she makes you feel like you've achieved something just by rolling out your mat and turning on the video. Making time for yourself is so important, especially when the rest of your schedule is packed full, so I found the time. Every morning on the mat, without fail. My morning trip to Yoga Camp became a ritual this month rather than an obsession.

The difference between last year and this year was the inclusion of daily mantras and affirmations which, I'll admit, I was a little sceptical of at first. Even though I am interested in spirituality and the connection between the mind, body and soul, and even though I know how important tending to your mental wellbeing is, some stuff is just a bit too hippydippy for me. Sorry. BUT I respected Adriene's judgement and the practice so I was willing to put my reservations to one side and give the affirmations a go. I'm very glad I did.

Every day there was a short phrase to work with and I tried my best to finish each sentence. I won't go so far as to say that the affirmations were a huge revelation or that they changed my life completely, but I'm glad I opened myself up to them. Some stuff didn't really resonate with me but I tried to relate each one to myself and my life, and some of them really stuck. I release in particular was one that I have taken off of the mat and into my day-to-day. Something's getting on my nerves or getting me stressed out? I stop, I breath and I release it. It doesn't always work but it's a start. There were other affirmations and mantras that I found to be particularly helpful reminders. I am strong. I am grateful. I surrender. And there were others that I struggled with. I have a lot of thoughts about what I am worthy of, but I'll leave them for another day.

Today, on the last day of camp, I was left to guide my own 40 minutes of practice and left to chose my own mantra. I went with I CAN DO ANYTHING because Adriene and the community have showed me that I can. Tell me two years ago that I'd be willingly, happily practicing yoga without guidance and I wouldn't have believed you. I never thought I'd be here but the last 30 days just go to show that I can be here and I can be wherever else I want to be too. This Girl Can, that's for sure. George Harrison's brilliant song Got My Mind Set on You has been one of my favourites for a very long time and whenever I'm struggling with uni work I often recall the lyric "I know if I put my mind to it, I know that I really can do it". So thinking about it, maybe this has always been my mantra.

I've made so much progress throughout Yoga Camp, both physically and mentally. I know that I'm stronger (I can hold a much better plank now and my core strength is improving) and I am getting a lot more flexible (not being able to touch my toes is a thing of the past). Even though there was some stuff I wasn't into (sorry Adriene, alternate nostril breathing is definitely not for me!) I've found myself enjoying so many new postures and practises. As I said, I was wary of all the mind and body stuff, but I've found a lot of it to be true and it's helped me to find balance, both in my yoga poses and in my life. Without waking up to yoga every morning to set the tone for my day, I don't know how well I would have coped with the rest of this hectic month. I don't want to get all emosh and soppy, but Yoga Camp has made a huge positive change for me, and even though I'm sad that it's ended, I'm excited to see where my mind and body will go next.

Camp might be over, but I'm not ready to go home just yet.



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