Thursday 5 January 2017

2017 Resolutions

I never used to get New Years. I'd stay up to see it in, I'd watch the fireworks and mumble along to Auld Lang Syne with my family but I never got the big deal. It's just the clock ticking over like every other day, thought I, rolling my eyes, what's so special? However, in more recent years I have felt very differently.

Think of all the clichés you can: fresh start, blank page, new leaf, #newyearnewme. I get all that now, I am that person. I said to a friend last week that I was looking forward to the new year, not exactly because 2016 had been bad but because it was starting to feel stale. The end of 2016 was beginning to feel like a stuffy bedroom where the windows had been closed for too long - 2017 promised to be the clean air on the outside. We will soon see whether 2017 will keep that promise as we progress, but for now I'm hopeful.

I keep a daily journal and have done religiously for the best part of the last ten years. Writing in the first page of my new edition a few nights ago felt almost symbolic. I'd never really thought about it before but the diary in my hands was the literal embodiment of "my next chapter" (eyeroll) - 365 empty pages to fill and very little idea of what the plot will be. No chance of peeking at the last page first either.

One thing that I like to do at the start of the new year is list all my resolutions - don't we all? - so that's what I'm going to do now. To you, dear reader, this may seem like easy January content that you've already read ten times this week (maybe it is), but for me it really helps to have my resolutions down on paper, or screen I suppose. It helps me to cement them and commit to them and it's something to look back on. I did it last year too and I've enjoyed looking back at that list this week. First, I want to review my 2016 goals to see how I did, and secondly we'll run through 2017.

2016 REVIEW 

  • 8am wake up call. I've struggled to commit to this full time and it pretty much went out the window when I finished university in June. I kept at it for most of the first half of the year but without a routine that I have to be up for, I lose the incentive of early rising.
  • Read 30 books. I got up to 24 which obviously isn't 30 but I think it's respectable. I love books so much but I'm a slow reader so I know I'll never reach the dizzy heights of 50-100 that a lot of book bloggers aim for. I'm okay with 24. (I posted about my fave reads of 2016 last week, read it here!)
  • Continue with the fitness regime and run more regularly. For the first time in all the years I've pledged to get fit, I'm thrilled that 2016 was the first time I stuck to it the whole year. I run almost every week (aim for twice) and I go to yoga on Wednesdays. I'd like to do more but I'm happy with where I am.
  • Be more aware of what's going on in the world. 2016 has been the kind of year where it would be impossible to not know - I couldn't have picked a better time to start paying attention (sad face). There's a lot I still don't understand on the news but in this ~fake news era~ I'm trying my best to keep up with the legit sources rather than getting lost in gossip and hearsay. It seems a bit obvious but I highly recommend following The Guardian on Facebook - it's been really useful to have the headlines in my immediate feed.
  • Drink more water. This is a big win too! I rambled on about my water relationship in my half way review so I won't do it again now, but know that water and I are BFFs.
  • Take better care of my skin. Ughh - I'm doing what I can but nothing seems to be working on the ol' acne. I've read all the product reviews and trawled through Pintrest remedies to no avail. I am trying though so I think I'll give myself this one. What I have learnt, however, is that more make up isn't the answer and I do have more bare faced days when I can brave it. (I wrote about it here).
  • Give myself more time. Nope. I am always in a rush and things always take me too long. I will work on this in 2017. See below.
  • Be brave. This was my most vague resolution of 2016 so it's hard to measure, but I certainly don't feel very brave sometimes. Last year I went from comfortable student to seemingly endless uncertainty. 2017 is going to need bravery for sure - I don't really think I cracked it this time around.

Resolution score: 4/8 (maybe 4.5)

  • Have a better sleeping pattern. I have a bit of a complicated, anxiety induced relationship with sleep and I'm trying to make myself love it again. What I've realised is that I've been getting to sleep around 1:30 am most nights then punishing myself when I'm not up by 8 next morning. You can't go to bed that late and expect to be an early riser, George. We're only four days into the new year but so far I think I've done well. I've been trying to wind down much earlier in the evenings and be in bed by 12. I know it's not perfect but I'm enjoying my new routine so far and looking forward to bed - we'll see how it continues. Enough sleep talk now.
  • Read 30 books. I will do it this year. I will. Last year I had the excuse of still studying for the first six months, this year there are none. I am determined.
  • Make better use of my gym membership. Now, as I just said, I'm happy enough with my exercise levels but I would like to make better use of my membership. I'm getting my money's worth by weekly classes and fleeting phases of swimming, but only just. In 2017 I want to really make the most of it.
  • Be more charitable. Money is a sensitive topic, I know that. I am a recent graduate with only part time employment and an enormous student debt, but I know I could do more in terms of donating. I have been struck a few times recently by the sadness of homelessness, both by witnessing it first hand and from recently reading and watching A Streetcat Named Bob, which really opened my eyes. For starters I want to start being a regular Big Issue customer and I want to make a more conscious effort to give where I can in the long run.
  • Put more effort into writing. I'm happy with the progress I made with my blog last year but I want to do more. I love putting together my monthly Anti-Buckets Lists and they certainly keep me writing but I've realised they have become the main source of content on this old blog and that wasn't the plan. I'm not going to put a number on it but more, I want to write more.
  • Stop being late and stop being in a rush. I have a feeling that this particular one is going to crop up year after year but it doesn't stop me trying. I want to stop being the friend that turns up 15 minutes after they said they would and pulling into the work carpark a minute before I'm due to start. May 2017 be the year of clocking in early and getting ready with time to spare. Ha, I'm doubtful.
  • Cook more widely. A more fun one now - I'm a baker. I'm into cake in a big way but I want to bake and cook more widely this year. I have baking books with pristine pages in the bread section because I always neglect it and I've got recipe books full of marked out dinner ideas that I've never got around to making. After years of being a fussy eater, food is now one of my fave things and I want to put more time and love into it.
  • Make a little progress every day. This is not as vague as it sounds (okay, maybe it is). I have a few personal goals that I want to achieve this year but I'm not going to post them here. What I will say is that I am resolving to work towards them every day. Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say, so I figure if I spread the work out over 365 days (525,600 minutes, she sobs) maybe I'll get them done little by little. 

There we are, that was quite a marathon of to dos and to don'ts. I am well aware that I won't succeed 100 per cent (just look at last year) but I think these are manageable. 2017 holds a lot of mystery at the moment but I want to make it as prosperous and positive as I can. 

And I can.

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