Tuesday 9 August 2016

When I Grow Up

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" That's what they always asked when we were little and that is what I've often found myself asking when I'm faced with a child (the horror!) The thing with kids is that they know. Almost without thinking, they have a response: Teacher, Doctor, Fireman, Hairdresser, Policeman, Builder, Vet, Shopkeeper, Footballer, Popstar. It's like there's a list of professions that they've come across in their lives thus far and they just pick one. In many ways it's great that real life is more than a list of ten options - it means there's something for everyone, even those that don't fit in the obvious boxes - but in other ways I envy those kids that have it all sorted out. I'm applying for me first grad job at the moment and I still don't really know What I Want To Be When I Grow Up.

When I was in junior school we made "aspiration stars" every year. These were great big star shapes cut out of card that we coloured in with our classroom pencils. In the centre we had to draw a picture of our "aspiration" then on each point of the star we wrote something that we'd have to do to achieve that aspiration. Much like today, mine was always to be a writer - weird, huh? I was thinking about these little projects a few months back and then a couple of weeks ago when sorting through some of school books I struck gold. I found them, or two of them at least.

It was so funny to read what my eight-year-old self thought of in terms of careers advice but it was heartwarming too. I was so innocent. I do still very much want to be a writer, but to me then a writer was someone that sat at home full time and wrote books, and that was it. Unfortunately I now know that that's not quite the case and there's so many other things that fall under the "writer" umbrella. To be fair, I've probably become a lot more cynical since year 4 (that's to be expected) because I know so many more things now, but I admire 2004 Georgia's confidence in her abilities. I thought it might be fun to share her top career tips (hint: good handwriting didn't make the cut but it should have done - handwriting was a BIG deal in my school).

2004 My Aspiration is to be a Writer 

- Find a writing style that suits me
- Try hard at school
- Get good qualifications
- Visit the library more often
- Practise drawing so my books will have pictures
- Try getting my work published
- Write to my favourite author for advice
- Try ideas on other people
- Don’t give up when it seems to hard
- Keep on trying
- I must practice my English skills
- I must practice reading
- Keep writing my own stories 
- Practice typing on the computer 
- Read more books for inspiration 
- Get good SATs results

2006 My Aspiration is to be a Children’s Author/Illustrator

- Read plenty of books for inspiration
- Try hard in art and writing to get my pictures and stories perfect
- Test out my stories and illustrations on younger children (4-9 years)
- Take great care in making sure my writing makes sense 
- Take GCSEs in Art and English Literature

Little me had some good ideas. My Key Stage 2 SATs definitely helped me get where I am now, ditto "typing on the computer". Seriously though, I love my innocence at "trying to get my work published" and my totally inspiring encouragement (S Club's "don't stop, never give up" had some influence on me for sure).

I wonder what my aspiration star would look like now? Points would probably include "willingness to work unpaid for several (multiple) months" and "have 3+ years industry experience for first job". It's nice to realise that my #goal has always been the same though, and maybe if I keep practicing my "English skills" and "reading lots for inspiration", I can do year 4 me proud one day.

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