Sunday 31 July 2016

Anti-Bucket List: July

I'm writing this in haste because it's suddenly dawned on me that it's August tomorrow and I want to get this up before the month's over. July has been a bit of a strange month for me because I've started to come to terms with the fact that I'm not a student anymore and I have to start being a grown up soon. Ugh.

Job hunting is proving to be a lot more difficult that I had anticipated and I'm getting a little disheartened by it already. What makes it even harder is the fact that, by my very nature, I H A T E bigging myself up, but that's exactly what I've got to do. I'll learn to, I know, but it's not easy. Still, sone really good things have happened this month too. Let's start with the very best one:

  • I GOT A FIRST!!! A FIRST!!!! Yes, after months of hard, exhausting work (and moaning) I've found out that I'll be graduating with a first class BA (Hons) English degree and I could not be happier. I bawled my eyes out when I found out. I know everyone says they can't believe it when things like this happen, but I honestly still can't. Pinch me, I must be dreaming. 
(and now for the other cool things from July that now don't sound so cool after the first cool thing)
  • I've managed to up my regular run to 4.5km which I'm really pleased about. There's still a long way to go but I'm getting there. 
  • I arranged a super cool birthday present for my mum which made me feel like an A+ daughter. Giving is good. 
  • I perfected the art of well baked coffee and walnut cake. A key life skill, I'd say.
  • I read a lot. I love having the time to read more now. My faves this month were Emma Gannon's Ctrl, Alt; Delete: How I Grew Up Online (which I wrote about here) and Love, Nina by Nina Stibbe.
  • I made the most of the beautiful area I'm so lucky to live in. It was GREAT to have an actual hot summer, if only for a few days.
  • I had a cute evening with my mum at our local independent cinema. Love and Friendship was fab - Jane Austen gets me every damn time. 
  • I had an amazing afternoon spent with friends at a giant inflatable aqua park. It was like something out of Total Wipe Out. Excellent. 
I always try to think of something poignant and thoughtful to sum up these posts but I'm struggling this time. An amazing thing has happened this month (I got a first, I won't stop saying it) but other that than it's been a bit...weird. I don't know what I'll be doing this time next month and that scares me. Let's see when we get to in August.

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