Sunday 14 February 2016

The Book ♥ Tag

Today, as you are probably aware, is Valentine's Day and I wanted to write something to mark the occasion. However, I don't have anything particularly original or profound to say on the subject and I didn't want to lament over single life, so I decided to turn to my real true love: books. I've seen a few people on Twitter talking about Sanne and Jean's excellent Book  Tag video from last Valentine's so I thought I'd get into the act with some bookish lovin', cos that's the best kind, right? 

*DISCLAIMER: I'll try to refrain from shouting PRIDE AND PREJUDICE for every answer, but it is my faaaaaaave, so sorry in advance* 

1. Who is your favourite literary couple?
Let's be straight here, I would be lying my little bottom off if I didn't say Darcy and Elizabeth so that's what I'll say. Sure, they both have their flaws but they compliment each other so well and you just want it for them so much. I'm not really down on the kids' tumblr slang but they are my ultimate OTP.

2. What's your Top 3 fictional boyfriends/girlfriends?
I think Dex from One Day was one of the first book characters where I started reading about him and was a bit woaaaah, hit me up. There are a lot of things I don't like about him but I think we could sort out our differences! Mark Darcy from Bridget Jones's Diary is clearly the perfect gentleman so he's number two and for number three I would either have to agree with Jean and say Mr. Bingley OR maybe Russell from Etta and Otto and Russell and James because I read it recently and I think he'd be a very sweet and caring boyfriend. 

3. What's a romantic trope you wish people would stop using?
I found this one quite hard to answer because I kind of love-to-hate a lot of cliches. I don't think this really counts as a "trope" but the thing where two characters hate each other when they first meet and then it turns out they are ~madly~ in love. It's a cute story but I think it's so overdone now that it's pretty predictable. 

4. Which literary couple are terrible for each other?
I would have to say Wickham and Lydia from Pride and Prejudice. He is a bad boy and she is an IRRITATING but quite vulnerable young woman. You almost feel sorry for her but they are both so insufferable that I think they deserve each other. Something tells me it would never be a very happy marriage. 

5. Best romance book to movie adaptation? 
I think Clueless is a BRILLIANT adaptation of Emma. It's a fab standalone teen/high school movie if you don't know anything about the Austen original, but it's actually a really faithful (yet modern-day) adaptation of the story. I highly recommend it if you want to get your head around the Austen story but are a bit scared of tackling classics.

6. What is the best book to read to your boyfriend/girlfriend? 
Reading poetry to one another is perhaps a little too much for some but something with beautiful, poetic language I think. Nothing specific is coming to mind right now but something that deserves to be read aloud- you know the sort. 

7. Which book would you say is you favourite on a first date?
Pride and Prejudice, because honesty is the best policy! I could talk about my love for P&P all day so it would give us something to talk about and it lets them know what they're getting themselves in for. 

8. Best book to read after a break up?
Bridget Jones's Diary, 100%. There's ups and downs and funny bits and sad bits, it's easy reading so you don't have to try too hard and it gives you hope that things will be alright in the end. 

9. What is your favourite same sex or queer couple in literature?
I am ashamed to say that I cannot think of an answer to this, and not because I'm spoilt for choice- quite the opposite. I can think of lots of gay characters, one of my faves being Patrick from The Perks of Being a Wallflower, but they're mostly the side kick "gay best friend" rather than being a starring role themselves. I need to broaden my reading horizons for sure!

10. Which book would you give to someone as a symbol of your affection? 
Like Sanne, I think a really special edition of a favourite book is a great gift. I bought my Mum copies of her childhood favourites The Hundred and One Dalmatians and The Starlight Barking in the editions she had as a child for her 50th birthday and she loved them. Special, sentimental gifts are always a winner I think. OR "coffee table books" that they can dip in and out of with no pressure are great. I would recommend Shaun Usher's Letters of Note.

Lots of love on Valentine's Day and every day, my friends. Go forth and read. xx

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