Tuesday 9 February 2016

My Bedroom is SO Pinterest

Over the last six months or so I've been having a bit of a revamp in my bedroom. I didn't have the time or the patience to redecorate exactly but I've decluttered a LOT, changed some of my furniture (which I built myself, I hasten to add #girlscan) and added few little ~personal~ touches to make it a nicer place to be in. My bedroom is not very big and because it's both my work space and my relaxing space I wanted to make it as cosy (but clear) as possible.

Some extra fairy lights here, twine and wooden pegs there: I'll be honest, it's all very Pinterest and I like it a lot. I've been...pinspired, if you will (I'll let myself out). So, here it all is for your very own viewing pleasure. Enjoy! xox

Teacups: Charity Shop      Paddington frame: Gift      Initial: Made with mache letter from Hobbycraft 

Elephant lamp: Urban Outfitters          Alarm clock: Homesense

Pride and Prejudice bunting: Etsy*

The Great Gastby print: Bookish Design             Notting Hill print: Etsy

Photographs: Model's own        Pegs and twine: Hobbycraft

Pen pot: Marmite

*This lady's pieces are AMAZING. I bought my bunting on a whim when I came across it on Easy because Pride and Prejudice is my bae and I was so so impressed when it arrived. Each individual heart is cut out of a page from a salvaged, vintage P+P edition so you've got real bits of the text on each piece. It is BEAUTIFUL. Plus, it has that lovely old book smell. Would 100% recommend.

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