Monday 29 February 2016

Anti-Bucket List: February

Today is an exciting day, not only because it's the end of February and I'm BACK with my second Anti-Bucket List (read the last one!) but also because today is February 29th i.e. the LEAP DAY. Now, I think that's exciting because it only happens once a year which means it's extra and have you heard this one, ladies?! Women are allowed to PROPOSE!!! (Can you sense the sarcasm?) Most importantly, Google did a really cute doodle for the leap day with bunnies. Try and tell me that's not exciting.

Sunday 14 February 2016

The Book ♥ Tag

Today, as you are probably aware, is Valentine's Day and I wanted to write something to mark the occasion. However, I don't have anything particularly original or profound to say on the subject and I didn't want to lament over single life, so I decided to turn to my real true love: books. I've seen a few people on Twitter talking about Sanne and Jean's excellent Book  Tag video from last Valentine's so I thought I'd get into the act with some bookish lovin', cos that's the best kind, right? 

Tuesday 9 February 2016

My Bedroom is SO Pinterest

Over the last six months or so I've been having a bit of a revamp in my bedroom. I didn't have the time or the patience to redecorate exactly but I've decluttered a LOT, changed some of my furniture (which I built myself, I hasten to add #girlscan) and added few little ~personal~ touches to make it a nicer place to be in. My bedroom is not very big and because it's both my work space and my relaxing space I wanted to make it as cosy (but clear) as possible.

Monday 1 February 2016

Greetings from Yoga Camp

Image source:
Last year was a bit of a turning point in my attitude towards exercise, fitness and physical wellbeing which is something I've talked a little about before. While I didn't exactly hate all exercise beforehand, I never thought I'd be the girl that worked out for FUN. That all changed when I met my friend Adriene towards the end of 2014 and completed her 30 Days of Yoga series last January. I say "met" and I say "friend" because that's what it feels like, but it's not exactly true. Let me explain.