Friday 30 June 2017

The June List 2017

What a mad old month! In 2017 it seems like politics moves so quickly, and so in a month that began with a general election and ended with the fall out of one, it's unsurprising that a lot of things have been crammed into a relatively short space of time.

My working month has been hectic, which left me with little time or inspiration to write. I'm in a bit of a rut with my ol'blog at the moment but I plan to dig myself out of it in July.

Sadly again, like in May, we've had more than our share of tragedy in June - the attacks on London and the Grenfell disaster - but messages of love rather than hate have shouted the loudest which is encouraging in times like these, and I do believe that change is coming.

Here we find ourselves in June:
  • The first half of the month was super busy at work, and I didn't have a day off until the 17th! Our busy periods are all occasion-based so the Father's Day run up was a little mad but we got through it and celebrated at the end! Five months in and I still love my job.
  • I got SO into the election coverage - every interview and every debate. I feel like a whole post needs to be dedicated to this alone but I wanted to leave it a while to let the dust settle. I was initially elated with the election result - it was the very best Labour could have hoped for - but it's not all plain sailing. We've got a long way to go, but the left is gaining momentum and that thrills me.
  • I enjoyed some fam time in the sun - BBQs and sharing lunches. All very nice indeed.
  • I saw Their Finest in the cinema, starring Gemma Arterton, and LOVED it. I wasn't expecting to cry quite so much but it was great. Also, Sam Claflin - mmmmmmm.
  • I wrote to my MP, expressing my extreme distaste in the DUP. I am yet to have a response, thanks Desmond.
  • I went to Wimborne Folk Festival for the first time in a few years and had a wonderful afternoon of live music and morris dancers.
  • Charlie Fink, the owner of my no.1 fave singing voice, released his first solo album and it's heavenly. Five stars.
  • I survived our temporary heatwave like any Brit would - with plenty of complaining and sun burn. I'm just not built for summer. Lovely in small doses though.
  • I had an afternoon on a kayaking lake with my best bud and it was grand.
  • I got hooked on the Potterless Podcast. I love its cynicism.
  • I binged on the Glastonbury coverage, partly wishing I was there but also mostly thankful for my clean and comfortable house.

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