Wednesday 31 May 2017

The May List 2017

It would be wrong to not talk about Manchester. I haven't really talked about it online and I wasn't going to because I know that nothing I can say will make a difference, lost in the sea of voices. But it's been on my mind - all of our minds - so much. May 2017 will always be remembered as a tragedy in this country and a month full of utter heartbreak. To not mention it wouldn't be right.

A struggle I've been having, however, is to know when to carry on, because we do have to carry on in the face of hatred. It's so hard when we want to be sensitive to what's going on and to know the best way to do so. I questioned whether to post this list at all, but if there's anything that the incredible people  of Manchester have shown us in the last week, it's that we do need to carry on. So, here's my May:

  • I kicked off the month with an action packed bank holiday Monday of carbooting, a swanky afternoon tea and a friend's birthday dinner. So much food.
  • I started wearing contact lenses which aren't half as scary as I thought, it turns out. I'm only an occasional user for now though.
  • I voted in the local elections and generally got quite political, as ever. Only a week now until the big day.
  • I got last minute tickets to see Rent the Musical and oh me, oh my, I l o v e d it. I wrote more here.
  • I celebrated my cats' birthday - obviously. They're 13 now - waat?
  • I had a glorious afternoon with friends at a local food festival. Mmmmmm.
  • I've got a bit more into exercise: lots more walking, a little more running, and slowly dipping back into swimming on top of yoga. (Who am I?)
  • I have spent too much money, resulting in a self-inflicted shopping ban for the next month. Naughty.
  • I had three days off of work with fairly few plans. It's been nice to spend time in my own company but I'm looking forward to being busy again. Some days this month have been a little too uneventful.
  • I've enjoyed the glorious warmth, despite working in an office that is practically a greenhouse (!)
  • I had some wicked finds at a vintage fair, although this didn't help with the aforementioned spending ban.


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