Monday 31 October 2016

Anti-Bucket List: October

October has always been the first month that springs to mind when we're asked about favourites, mainly because it's the one with my BIRTHDAY in it! If I thought about it properly, I'm not sure that October really is No.1 but it's definitely a special one for me, usually with an element of celebration.

I've slightly fallen off the writing wagon this month, with only one blog post written, but I'm trying to get back on it. Annoyingly, it's just one of those things that gets pushed down on the priority list when I'm busy, which seems to be happening a lot recently. Still, it's good to keep busy, and it gives me lots of things to put in a lovely list. Here's October:
  • I turned 22 (queue Taylor Swift). I'm still not sure how I feel about this new age but I think mostly good things. Am I old? My birthday was lovely, spread over a few days of chilled celebrations with friends and family.
  • I was interviewed for an actual, real job. I didn't get it, as it turned out, but it was good practice and a step in the right direction.
  • I've been knitting a lot because...(drumroll) my sister's having a baby! I'm so excited to be an auntie and I have until April to get making. This ridiculously cute blanket is where I'm starting. 
  • I bought an unnecessary orange coat which I am in LOVE with.
  • I've picked up a couple of bits of freelance writing work which is all good experience and makes me feel pro-fesh.
  • I spent a few days staying with my sister while her 'rents were away and that was rather lovely, as ever. 
  • I had a mega bake-a-thon in prep for our Guide group's Macmillan fundraiser. We made £330 for cancer care on the night which was FAB - so proud of our girls.
  • I had a haircut. Swishy swishy swishy.
  • I had a blissful evening of takeaway and mid 2000s television with my very best friend. It was delightful.
  • I went to a vintage fair which was super fun - I came back with a rather jazzy blouse.
  • I watched the last ever Great British Bake Off final on the BBC and wept at the end for real. Television will never be the same again.
  • I became the proud owner of a KitchenAid stand mixer thanks to a very generous birthday/graduation present. It is beautiful and I love it and it is my baby.
And now here we are at the end of the month which is steadily becoming the end of the year. On the whole, October's been lovely and an excellent balance of work and play. Long may it continue. 

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