Wednesday 31 August 2016

Anti-Bucket List: August

I had one of those oh-god-where-is-the-year-going-help-I'm-failing moments the other day. It's the middle of August, I thought, and August is practically September and September is basically Christmas! Cue a spiral of panic. I know that's not exactly true but I'm still very much stuck in the academic calendar from years of schooling.

Everything starts happening when you hit September, like you're rolling down a hill, picking up more stuff on your way down. But let's not worry about that for now because it's still August for the rest of today, still technically summer for a wee while. It's been a muddle of a month with no real theme, but I guess that's to be expected. Here is my list of August things:

  • I had a large dose of family time including dinners, BBQs and tea with grandmothers (my grandmothers, just to be clear). That always feels nice. 
  • I've done a lot of tidying and clearing out of clothes, books, CDs etc. etc. It's so nice to unload unnecessary STUFF and as I get older I feel like I want to own less and less stuff. Stuff. 
  • I watched a lot of the Olympics which always leaves me in awe of human abilities. Modern Pentathlon might be my new fave thing. 
  • I hit my 5k running goal! I completed Couch to 5k last year but I didn't really stick to longer distances since finishing the plan. I've been trying to get back to it for the last few months and now I'm doing it three times a week- hurrah! 
  • I had the experience of job interview prep. In the end the interview was called off (grumble grumble) but on reflection I can see the good in the situation (sort of...) I've got an answer ready for "Tell me about yourself" for next time - that's a harder question to answer than it seems.
  • I wrote two blog posts which I'm really pleased with (here and here). I'd like to write more and I'm excited for a few ideas so watch this space.
  • I went to a country fair which was lovely but also bizarre. When you think of all the high-tech-fancy-modern things that happen in 2016 it seemed a little surreal to spend the afternoon in a tent looking at trays of perfectly matching runner beans in competition with one another. Love it though. 
  • I ate a lot of pizza. This needs no explanation. 
  • I worked a lot of overtime shifts in my part time job which makes me excited for pay day on Friday. I really really want to leave and get a proper grown-up job but I know that part of me will miss it when I do.
  • I knitted a cactus which is a strange sentence but 100% true.
  • I got to see Cats the Musical again and it was perfect. I don't know what it is about that show but it brings me so much joy and I cried a lot of happy tears. Some of the numbers have changed significantly since I last saw it three years ago but change is good. It remains very close to my heart. 
  • I finally joined the iPhone club after my beloved Samsung decided to give up on life. It's only been a week but already I can't see myself ever going back from Lord Apple.
  • BAKE OFF HAS RETURNED TO OUR LIVES. I can honestly say that no other television programme makes me as happy. Benjamina and Selasi are already my faves.
  • I haven't read anywhere near as many books as I'd have liked to this month but I have been making my way through Persuasion and I always like to spend a little more time over my friend Miss Austen. I love her. She gets me and some of her passages are so very wise, like this one: 
"The last hours were certainly very painful," replied Anne; "but when pain is over, the remembrance of it often becomes a pleasure. One does not love a place the less for having suffered in it, unless it has been all suffering, nothing but suffering...We were only in anxiety and distress during the last two hours, and previously there had been a great deal of enjoyment."

For a month that I thought had been uneventful, the list has been pretty long. Some of the things I've included seem so long ago now but I've been reminded of them with the help of my journal. Now to take a deep breath before rolling down the hill which is the last third of the year. Peace. 

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