Monday 18 July 2016

The Half Way Through Review

At the beginning of this year I, like many other people the world over, set myself my 2016 New Year's Resolutions. I also wrote a blog post running through them all and reflecting on last year's so I thought it might be nice to have a little recap of how I'm doing this year. Frighteningly enough it is the middle of July now (and today has actually been hot, say whaaat?) so a half of 2016 has now gone by. With that in mind, here is the half-way-through resolution review.

  • 8am wake up call. I can't say I've completely succeeded with this one but I'm at a 50/50 yes/no. I have had success with this in the past few months but it's all dependent on what I'm doing at the time. For example, when I was writing my dissertation I was comfortably getting up and going for a run at 7am but now that uni's over and my days don't have as much focus I'm guilty of several lie ins per week. It's all about routine though and I'm hoping I'll have a new one soon enough.
  • Read 30 books. I'm working on it! According to Goodreads I have read 11 out of 30 books so far this year meaning that I'm 37% of the way through my challenge and 5 books behind schedule.I'll admit, that doesn't sound great BUT since finishing uni in early June I've been getting through about a book per week so I think I'm on track.
  • Continue with the fitness regime and run more regularly. YES! I can thoroughly say I'm smashing this one.My running has been more consistent and I've upped my regular distance (much to the dismay of my blistered feet!) I'm still going to yoga class every week and I'm swimming a lot my regularly. It's great.
  • Be more aware of what's going on in the world. Yes again. In fact, I feel like sometimes I'm too aware. They say ignorance is bliss and I have to agree here. It was a much simpler time when I wasn't constantly up-to-date with all the bad things in the world, but it's good to know things. The last month in particular seems to have been so full of news that I can't keep up. Referendums, resignations, leadership elections, attacks, hate crime - it seems like too much but it's important to be alert.
  • Drink more water. Double YES! I tweeted the other day that of all the cool things that have happened in 2016, realising that I like water was one of the best. I don't know why but I used to hate water, really HATE water. I know I should be drinking it more but unless it was mixed with concentrated fruit squash or coffee beans, I was having none of it. Then things changed for me and water. It had got to the point where I was spending so much time in the library that one small bottle of squash from home and a morning Starbucks wasn't enough to sufficiently hydrate me so I reluctantly began to use the lib's water cooler, only to find that I have been missing out on cool, watery goodness for too many years. The rest is history. Water and I are now very good friends. 
  • Take better care of my skin. I'm trying and that's all I can say. My skin still isn't great but I think I have a fairly good regime now and I'm becoming more confident with make up free days (I wrote about it here). I'm not there yet with my skin but it's progress. 
  • Give myself more time. Hmmm. I think this one needs more work. I still find myself in a rush a lot of the time but maybe that's just who I am. It's in my fabric. You could give me all day to get ready for a 7pm appointment and I'd still be in a rush at the last minute. 
  • Be brave. Being brave is a very hard thing to measure. I don't feel very brave a lot of the time but I'm trying my best. It's a weird, scary and uncertain time being a 21 year old recent graduate but it's also an exciting one. I'd like to be a "feel the fear and do it anyway" person but I'm not one just yet. There is definitely room for more bravery in me. 
It doesn't feel like long ago that I wrote that original list and yet here I am almost seven months later. I'd say I'm doing pretty well so far. Small and achievable goals are 100 times better than unattainable ones, let's be real. And if the rest of the year goes in the way it has been, I think I'm in line for a full set come December. Let's see shall we?

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