Thursday 30 June 2016

Anti-Bucket List: June

June has been a funny old month. It's my first one of life AU (after uni), only I'm still waiting on results and ~graduating~ so we're not quite AU yet. It still has a hold on me and that's okay.

June has seen the country, and the world, continue to fall apart bit by bit, only the bits are breaking off more quickly now. Every day seems to bring more bad news to the point where I don't think we know how to react anymore, so maybe for once I won't.

It's also been a month where I've come to realise that everyone around me is getting old or, more to the point, turning into grown ups! Dun dun dunnnnn. I have friends that have secured graduate jobs and have got onto training schemes. I have friends that are moving away for work. I have friends saving for houses and building careers and getting promotions. Me? I have a LinkedIn now - does that count? Am I an adult yet? Oh? Okay, never mind.

BUT, the anti-bucket list isn't about all that, some good stuff has happened too (mostly little things but good nonetheless). I think we all deserve a moment to indulge in the good stuff - please, allow me mine.

  • I finally handed in my last EVER uni assignment! (I promise I'll stop going on about it soon).
  • I celebrated the above in the best way possible, with lots of friends and lots of food.
  • I went to see Mary Poppins on tour at the Southampton Mayflower and it was FAB. Brought back a lot of memories of rainy afternoons spent with Julie Andrews. Not literally. 
  • I also went to see a phenomenal school production of Starlight Express which made me a very proud ex-student. A good month for musical theatre. 
  • I ran in the Race for Life Pretty Muddy 5k for Cancer Research which was a lot of fun and super rewarding. I think the importance of the charity goes without saying so I'm really pleased that my team have so far managed to raise £140, despite registering very last minute! (I'll just leave my donation link here, no pressure).
  • I read almost four books this month. It doesn't sound like a lot but I'm a slow reader so it's a lot for me! It's so nice to be able to read only what I want at last. 
  • I exercised my right to vote in the EU referendum. Even though the result was pretty heartbreaking I still love voting. I love being able to have my say and I love that people my age care (because they DO, trust me).
  • I baked a lot. Baking is good for the soul. Not so much the arteries. 
  • I had a haircut! I feel swish. 
  • I drove more. That sounds weird because I drive basically everyday, but I'm quite a nervous driver even though I've had a licence nearly four years. This month I conquered some ~scary~ roads that I'd usually avoid. Hooray me. 
  • I cleared out a load of crap in the house which made me feel...lighter? Tidy house, tidy mind and all that. I uncovered some junior school treasures too, but more on that soon.
There we have it: June. On reflection there are quite a lot of good things that happened. At times this month I've felt like I'm falling off the track a bit or just getting left behind, but maybe that's okay. There's plenty of time to catch up again. 

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