Monday 22 June 2015

This Girl Can

It’s a Wednesday evening in mid-June and I am running. I’ve been running for 20 minutes and there’s still another 10 to go, but I’m not giving up. My heart is racing but I keep my legs moving because I’m nearly there. It’s only at this point that I really start to think about what I’m doing.

I am running. Me. Running.

Anyone that knows me well would know that sport and I have never got on. PE lessons were always my most dreaded time of the week, I have next-to no interest in team sports and until recently I hadn’t consciously exercised since I left school. However, that has changed. I always admired the people with gym memberships (or those that actually used them, at least) and I think part of me always wanted to be one of the “sporty people” but I knew that I wasn’t one and that it would hard work to make myself become one. I was one of the girls that stayed inside and read books, not exercised!

Whenever I used to talk to people about my unfitness, most would laugh and tell me to pipe down because I was slim. I know I’m one of those irritating people that can eat rubbish food and miraculously never put on weight, but it took me a while to realise that that didn’t mean I was healthy. Being a size 8 by default is all very well, but when you’re twenty years old and you can’t run to the end of the road or walk to the top floor of the university library without getting out of breathe, there’s probably something wrong.

Exercising scared me, and I guess it still does a bit. I was nervous for all the usual reasons: I didn’t want people to see me all hot and sweaty, I thought people would judge me if I wasn’t doing it right, and I didn’t really think I’d be able to keep up with it, but I’ve decided not to care. Putting on my trainers and going for my first run nine weeks ago was one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long while, and I want other people like me to know that it’s not as scary as it seems.

I’d read a bit about the Couch to 5k plan online, so, inspired by other women’s stories, I decided to give it a go. If you’re not familiar, it’s basically a nine week exercise plan for new runners, combining running and walking, where you go out three times a week for around half an hour at a time. You start the first week by alternating between 60 seconds running and 90 seconds walking for 20 minutes, then over the weeks the sessions get progressively harder. You build up the running time and lessen the walking until you’re running continuously, with the aim to get you running for 30 minutes without stopping at the end of the programme.

This week I finished the plan and I honestly feel so good. Nine weeks ago I found the 60 second runs a real struggle, and the idea of half an hour non-stop was inconceivable, but I’ve done it! I still feel a little ridiculous when I call out the rest of the household “going for a run now, see you in a bit”, and I get a bit embarrassed when I jog past neighbours or people I went to school with, but I don’t think it matters.

I don’t mean to sound soppy or motivational, but I am inspired to share my story because it’s a story I never thought I’d tell. 16 year-old me would laugh at the idea of 20 year-old me going running regularly, but clearly things change. I like to think that if I can do it, there’s hope for anyone.

For so many years this girl thought she couldn’t enjoy exercise, but now, after a bit of hard work and convincing, it’s safe to say that This Girl Can.

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