Sunday 12 April 2015

An Introduction

I am Georgia and I like to write things.

I’ve toyed with blogging before and for whatever reason I’ve never managed to stick with it, which is strange because since I was very small I’ve always been committed. I started ballet lessons when I was three and didn’t give up until I was eighteen, even though I wasn’t very good. I joined Girl Guiding as a Rainbow when I was five and I’m still in the movement now, fifteen years later. At secondary school I wasn’t just in a few concerts with the choir, I performed in every concert and production that was put on in the seven years I was there. For some reason though, blogging has never really worked out for me, but this time I’m determined.

I think the problem before was that I tried to stick to a theme or schedule, and when I couldn’t keep to it I got frustrated and gave up. This time I’m doing away with fitting things into neat boxes and I’m going to use this as a place to gather all the thoughts and ideas that don’t go anywhere else.

I am lots of things- a student, a knitter, a cat lover, a book lover, a baker, a feminist, a yogi, a Guider, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I want to add writer to the list, maybe this is the way how.

I am Georgia and I like to write things, stick around for more.


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