Friday 30 September 2016

Anti-Bucket List: September

When I think back to what's been happening this month, all that comes to me is a muddle of days and extra work shifts and when I looked at my calendar for help, it was very much the same story. I spoke very briefly last month about being stuck in the academic calendar and it suddenly feeling like the end of the year already, and so I don't think it's any coincidence that the month in which everyone goes back to something (school, uni, returning from their hols) is the one in which I've launched myself into as many soul-destroying overtime shifts as I can pick up, in an attempt to get some sort of structure and routine back.

If I'm being honest, I thought I would have found a grad job by now but that's turning out to be a LOT harder than I'd anticipated. I think it felt fine spending my days pootling about with little direction in the summer months because that's what you're meant to do - that's what I've done every summer for the past two decades - but once the summer was over it felt uncomfortable, guilty even, to essentially be spending my week being very unproductive.

And so, my friends, that is why my month has been characterised by retail work, because it makes me feel like I'm at least doing something. BUT (deep breath), my monthly Anti-Bucket Lists are about reflecting on the sweet moments, the little victories, and the touches of joy in an otherwise uneventful time, so let's take a look at what else September got up to:

  • I applied for more jobs. The quest continues. (I know that's a boring one to start with but it's worth including that I am trying).
  • I finished reading Persuasion and I think Anne Elliot might be my new favourite Austen lady.
  • I enjoyed a couple of pub dinners. Usually I'd go for a restaurant or cafe if we're talking food but pubs seem to be coming up trumps recently.
  • I discovered The PanDolly Podcast which might just be my favourite thing to fill my ears with of a Friday morning. 
  • I baked. A lot. This is a good thing, although perhaps not for my gut. The Great British Bake Off continues to be the best thing in the world (and I am lamenting its BBC departure). Coffee and walnut cupcakes were the most successful of the month.
  • Our term at Brownies and Guides recommenced which also cement me to the academic calendar, if nothing else.
  • I wrote THIS blog post about the things in life that delight me and I think it might be my favourite one of all.
  • I went to see Bridget Jones's Baby. TWICE. And let me tell you, it was perfect. I know that everyone feels like they are Bridget (which is all part of her charm) but honestly, Bridget is one of my most treasured characters of all time. She is like a friend and I love her. I was so concerned that the film wouldn't be as good as I wanted it to be, because I have so much invested in her, but it blew my socks off. I would write a whole post on why I loved it so much bit I'll leave reviews to the professionals. Mine would be a mess, like I was on leaving the cinema. I full on sobbed happy tears for the last 15 minutes. It was great, go see it. Also, Mark Darcy - ding dong, still got it.
  • I've chosen my dress for graduation! It took a long old time and several returned ASOS deliveries but I'm super pleased with the one I've got. Now just to wait until November.
  • A couple of friends and I booked last minute tickets to see Mamma Mia! on tour and it was a hoot. Such a fun show and great girls' night.
  • THIS happened and it make me chuckle a great deal.
There, that wasn't so empty after all. I am grateful to be working in any capacity, even if it's not what I want to be doing, but it's nice to have moments aside from it too. I have a few nice things to look forward to in October, so let's go onwards into autumn.

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