Sunday 30 April 2017

The April List 2017

April has been better. It started in the best possible way with the gift of new life in the shape of my sister's beautiful baby daughter and it has continued to bring joy, for the most part. April has found a balance of work and play, celebration and concentration, and it has come and gone in a blink.

I've not written much this month which is one regret but, that aside, I feel very content. So much has happened between this April and last, and I'm pleased to report that I'm very happy with where I am right now.

Here's April, starting with a very special number one:

  • The most exciting and wonderful news - my baby niece was born! She came on April 3rd, weighing a teeny 5lb 8", and she's perfect. It's incredible how much happiness and positivity such a little person can bring to the world but I think she is the gift we all needed and I'm so excited to watch her grow up.
~All my other notes now look exceedingly dull in comparison~
  • I spent a glorious sunny Saturday exploring a National Trust property with my best gal, which was one of those days I think I'll remember for a long time coming.
  • I tried to make the most of the spring weather. Unfortunately it didn't last long. (She says, sat in an enormous jumper with rain on the windows).
  • I thoroughly enjoyed the bank holiday weekend AND another few days booked off work this month. I still love my new job but time off is never goes amiss.
  • I had a major wardrobe clear out which was hugely therapeutic. As I've gotten older I've been wanting to rid myself of so much stuff (and my GOD, I had a lot of stuff). Saying goodbye to the last of my early teenage clothes was a bit emosh though. I am too sentimental.
  • I have spent many moments being completely flabbergasted by the calling of the general election. I can't work out if I'm excited or despairing because I want to feel positive about it but unfortunately I'm not too optimistic. Politics fascinates me though so it promises to be an interesting few weeks. I want to write more but I do feel like it's all been said before.
  • I frequented a number of country pubs this month, my favourite being this one in lovely Brockenhurst. The interiors were dreamy.
  • I absolutely fell for Charlie Fink's two new tracks and cannot wait for the album. I have loved his voice dearly since Peaceful, The World Lays Me Down in 2008 and I'm so pleased to have it back.
  • I spent an afternoon wandering through bluebells, feeling very English and marvelling at nature. It was blissful.

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