Friday 31 March 2017

The March List 2017

Oh, March. Looking back in my diary, the beginning of this month seems like such a long time ago and a lot has been packed in. I feel like I've had three weeks of goodness, then everything has come at once in the last week. As a friend recently said to me, it doesn't rain, it pours. Bad ~world~ things have happened which I've spoken about in other places and bad personal things have happened this week which I don't want to speak about now.

What I do want to say is that a lot of good things have come out too and if you just read this list without a background it would seem like a pretty dreamy month. There is always good hidden amongst the bad. I have had joyful days and I've fallen in love with weekends, and I have found love and support around me from unexpected places in the bad.

It's been quite a month. Here are my March highlights:
  • I am continuing to love my new job. It's been two whole months now I the novelty has barely worn off. I am a woman with a desk and an office. I am a professional and I don't know how that happened.
  • I have finally been able to appreciate that #FridayFeeling and I've been filling my weekends with lots of lovely things after working Friday to Sunday for nearly six years. 
  • I fell deeply and madly in love with Ed Sheeran's Divide, as did everyone. This is not a unique observation. 
  • I have spent a lot of quality time with my very best bud. I feel like in times gone by the "quality" part has been lacking and it's so lovely to have it back. 
  • I have walked. A lot. I walked along the seafront, I walk to my office, I walk to reflect. I will write more on this soon - it's a new love. 
  • I fully treated myself and had nails and hair done in the same week. Hand me the sass lady emojis.
  • I fell hard for this t shirt. 
  • I celebrated International Women's Day with some (slightly) heated but healthy discussions with various walks of people and really felt the love online. I wrote a bit here
  • I celebrated my sister's baby shower which was a really lovely afternoon and I made THIS cake. Any day now and we will have a new member of our family. I am so excited.
  • I started going to a new yoga class. It was...interesting.
  • My car passed its MOT - hip hip hooray!
  • Red Nose Day Actually was absolutely perfect. I laughed and cried and felt the feels. Richard Curtis can do no wrong.
  • I went to see Beauty and the Beast which was a joy. Emma Watson has such class. 
  • I spent Mother's Day with my mum and granny, both of whom I hugely admire. What women. 

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