Saturday 31 December 2016

Anti-Bucket List: December

My my, we've made it. Twelve gruelling months and accompanying blog posts later and we're in December. I want to be careful here and make sure this lists solely reflects December rather than being a whole year review, but let's just take a minute.

It seems as though 2016 will go down as one of the worst year in recent history in terms of world-scale events. Death, hatred, intolerance and closed-mindedness are all too often occurring themes but, for me at least, it's not been all bad. Some great things have happened this year, even if I'm in uncertainty now, and all these little things have been recorded in my years' worth of Anti-Bucket Lists. Little did I know when I set about this project to record my victories in January (both big and small) how important it would be to do so in the coming months. I've achieved a lot - I finished university, had some work published, worked on friendships, read things, did things, graduated with first class honours for goodness sake. And not just me - across the world this year people have been falling in love, making discoveries, doing incredible things. Babies have been born and they don't need to grow up in a world that groans at their year of birth. This has gone a little off topic I know, and I'm not saying we should ignore the tragedies, atrocities and plain shit parts of 2016, just that we should take comfort in the good things too. Don't feel pressured to join the masses that will celebrate the death of this year at midnight.

Anyway, as for December. It's been mad, as they always are, but I've been able to enjoy my first Christmas for many years without study. I have mixed feelings about this which I've talked about here, but they're mainly good. It's been a month of long hours and late nights at the checkout (supermarkets are not a fun place to work in December) but with a lot of time to celebrate the season with family and friends too. Here's December:

  • I remained dedicated to my running plan, even at -3 degrees. This is quite the achievement, no?
  • I finished knitting the most gorgeous baby blanket for my soon-to-be niece or nephew. I'm so pleased with it.
  • I celebrated my Dad's 60th birthday with an evening with the whole family and lots of takeaway and cake.
  • I finally read Prisoner of Azkaban and I can't even explain how super it was. I will make it my mission to finish all Potters in 2017.
  • I carried on all my Christmas traditions, by which I mean putting up the tree with When Harry Met Sally and wrapping my presents alongside Love Actually.
  • I managed to fit in lots of friend time this month which was lovely. Several festive gift-giving breakfasts, last minute dinners and ice skating with my uni pals (I didn't fall over once - yessss). I've felt a lot of love.
  • I went to a trampoline park with my Brownie group which was quite the experience. They loved it.
  • I did lots of Christmas making and baking because 'tis the season. Gingerbread, yule log, cheesecake and handmade crackers. Am I mad? Probably.
  • Finally, I spent Christmas Day with my loved ones and that's all you can ask for really. They all liked their presents (I feel like I won at Christmas shopping this year) and were so very generous to me. I feel very grateful to have them.
There we are, December is done are there are but hours left in the year. I didn't know if I would stick with this list project but I'm glad I did. It's given my blog structure even when I've lacked in other areas and I think I'll keep it up for 2017. I feel like I've said enough now and I've got to get ready for work so I'll just say thank you so much for reading if you did and Happy New Year, friends. xxxxxx.

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