Sunday 31 January 2016

Anti-Bucket List: January

So, another January's gone by again as quickly as it came. It's been a very hectic month uni-wise as Januarys always are (aaaah!) but the assessment period's now over at last and I've been able to take a few days out of study to let my poor little brain recover before semester two starts next week. The brain is practically a muscle so it's only right that it should have some rest days too, days which have given me a chance to reflect.

At the end of last year I read a blog post by the excellent Emma Gannon about her 'Anti-Bucket List' which is basically the idea of writing down and reflecting on all the positive things you have already done and achieved, rather than punishing yourself by focussing on what you think you ought to be doing and achieving. I loved this idea and I really enjoyed reflecting on my entire 2015 at the beginning of this month so I thought it would be a nice addition to my blog to include a regular news round-up of each month's victories, both big and small. So, without further ado, here's my January ANTI-BUCKET LIST.

  • I opened the year playing possibly the most competitive game of Monopoly I've ever witnessed with some very good people. 
  • I practiced yoga EVERY day (more on that soon!) and I managed a bridge pose for the first time in my entire life.
  • I completed all my uni assignments without having a full on mental breakdown.
  • I did an exam and it didn't go horrendously.
  • I bought a swanky pinafore which I LOVE (even if it makes me feel five again!)
  • I read Etta and Otto and Russell and James which is a wonderful, wonderful book.
  • I made a fabby start with my new years resolutions.
  • I played with photoshop and attempted to work on my blog design (it's not perfect but I'm quite proud of my self-taught coding). 
  • I successfully put up a pair of curtains like a real adult!!
  • I got 100% service marks from the ~mystery customer~ at work which isn't something I'd normally shout about but it's nice to feel appreciated, especially in a retail job. 
  • I had a gorgeous dinner with a gorgeous friend.
  • I got a first for one of my uni essays- woohoo!
People always complain about January: how it's miserable, how it's cold, how there's nothing to look forward to. Sure, January is the Monday of months but Monday's aren't so bad are they? My January was stressful as at times but looking back on it, there were a lot of good times too. 

Tune in next month which will hopefully be just as good *crosses fingers and toes*.

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